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Published February 19, 2023

Painting Slow Horror: Kevin Mosca’s Studio Spotlight

By Kate Parvenski

Kate is the Director of Content for Testudo and a Brooklyn-based multimedia producer with a passion for art and storytelling. Her work focuses on documenting and showcasing artists working across a variety of mediums.

Painter Kevin Mosca describes his work as “slow horror.” Interweaving symbols, biblical references, and nods to the horror film genre, his paintings create narratives that bridge the gap between theology and pop culture, producing eerily familiar yet foreign scenes.

“I want to take you to a strange place,” Kevin describes. “I don’t want you to be entirely comfortable while you’re going there because sometimes me going here can be uncomfortable as well. But I think that the reward of viewing and looking and thinking about the work can be gathering up memories and kind of bringing them to the surface.”

We recently visited Kevin in his Saratoga Springs, NY studio for a conversation on process, influences, and his cinematic approach to storytelling.

Image Credit: Kate Parvenski
We all have different fears. I think that by presenting these things to myself, I can kind of work through these fears.
Image 1: Setup image for Last Dance, Kevin Mosca. Image 2: Kevin Mosca, Last Dance, 2022, oil on canvas.

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